OSD600_Release 0.1
In my OSD600 Release 0.1 (and lab 2), I have added a test in filerjs. Filer is an open source project. https://github.com/filerjs/filer I am new with git and GitHub, so it was some difficulty for me to complete this assignment. First, I needed to set up git and GitHub and learned the process to use them to file and fix a bug in open source. After that, I created a fork and cloned forked repo to download all the filer code to my own local machine. On my computer (command line git), I added remote named “upstream” for the original repo. Then, I found and created an Issue on GitHub. As many students in the class, writing a unit test is maybe better for me as the beginner working with git and GitHub. Next, I checkout a branch, made code change, run and tested them, added and committed on my branch, pushed my commit and created a Pull Request. For more information about the process, click here https://wiki.cdot.senecacollege.ca/wiki/DPS909_%26_OSD600_F...