OSD600_Release 0.1

In my OSD600 Release 0.1 (and lab 2), I have added a test in filerjs. Filer is an open source project.   https://github.com/filerjs/filer 

I am new with git and GitHub, so it was some difficulty for me to complete this assignment. First, I needed to set up git and GitHub and learned the process to use them to file and fix a bug in open source. After that, I created a fork and cloned forked repo to download all the filer code to my own local machine. On my computer (command line git), I added remote named “upstream” for the original repo. Then, I found and created an Issue on GitHub. As many students in the class, writing a unit test is maybe better for me as the beginner working with git and GitHub. Next, I checkout a branch, made code change, run and tested them, added and committed on my branch, pushed my commit and created a Pull Request.

For more information about the process, click here https://wiki.cdot.senecacollege.ca/wiki/DPS909_%26_OSD600_Fall_2018

Filing an Issue

I have created an Issue #435: add a test for fsPromise.unlink() to delete a file that does not exist. I want to write this unit test with Promise function to test whether it will return an error when someone wants to delete a file when it doesn’t exist.

Linking to my Pull Request

I searched the Pull Request on GitHub to find the similar logic code. After that, I copied and made changes on it to fix my fsPromise.unlink() test. My test was added into the following path filer/tests/spec/fs.unlink.spec.js. First, I wanted to delete a file called myFile that doesn’t exist, and then it could not success and catch for the error and promise will return an error.

Another student (y2s82) reviewed my issue and gave me some comment on how to make code more promise-friendly. I made those changes and pushed them again on GitHub.

My Pull RequestFix #435: add a test for fsPromise.unlink() to delete a file that doesn't exist

 * fsPromises tests
describe('fsPromises.stat', function() {
  it('should return an error if trying to delete a file that does not exist', function() {
    var fsPromises = util.fs().promises;

    return fsPromises.unlink('/myFile')
      .then(result => expect(result).not.to.exist)
      .catch(error => {

Linking to peer review

I reviewed this pull request of my classmate. Fixed #424 - implement fs.promises.read tests #429

He tried to write a set of test for fs.promises.read() to test whether the function returns promise object. It was a great work for him to test all the use cases. I have had some comments to ask if he can remove the catch(error) lines. He can open the file, then write to it and return the promise object, so he doesn’t need to catch for error here. This will be same if he can read from the file and return the promise object, so he doesn’t need to catch for error.

Asking for help

I did not help any student because I am new and lack of experience with git and GitHub. Therefore, I got help from my classmate (Jeffrey Espiritu). When I am not sure with any git command lines, I will confirm with him whether it is right or wrong. He helped me a lot and I am appreciated about it. Also, as I said above, I had a code review and gave some comments and I hope they are helpful.


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