
Showing posts from December, 2018


In this final blog of open source course, I want to summary how I have learned about Git and GitHub and how I have got involved to open source projects. First, here is a list of 3 PRs that I have got involved in this release 0.4: Second, if you get family with Git and GitHub, you will know that they are some powerful things to open source projects. Many contributors will make their own changes and push their commits to GitHub by using Git commands and how an organizer will control their system through all commits and minimize their jobs through GitHub. I hope this  link can help one has a clear understanding about Git and GitHub if one is new to them like me. It is totally different than I imaged. I don't really remember how many time I need to struggle with Git commands in this course. I always make some mistakes and now I...


In this Pull Request, I have worked on this  bootstrap-slider  project. This is another external project that I have joined for this release 0.4. PR: I used HTLM and CSS language to build a table to store all slider examples. This page is really long, so I created some links to link to the specified example parts. Also, I created a link in each example parts to link back to the top. It will be easy for everyone to view this page. I had some problems about the write access in the first time, so I could not run it in my local machine. After I reviewed some feedback of the reviewer, I run these commands to test it npm install node node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt dev To sum up, this page is showing lots of bootstrap slider options that I can learn to prepare for another course project for next semester.


My planning in this release 0.4 is to have one PR of an internal project and two PRs of an  external project. Internal project: Seneca Student Resume/Portfolio Static Site Generator External project:  Node.js In this blog, I want to talk about my first PR in the  Node.js  project. This project is welcome the new learning node language contributors, so I want to give a try. I have learned the whole process of how to  setup security key  and push an PR with  personal access token  in command line that I have not done in my previous PRs. First, I had to learn a little bit about node language for beginner in YouTube. Then, I followed this  Node Todo to start working on this project. I have viewed some commits that recommended in the Node Todo website, learned how some contributors fixed the issue. After that, I found an issue in another file likes this commit.  I followed  this instruction  to build and run the test in my l...