OSD600_Release0.2 _Hacktoberfest _Post4

In my 4th pull request, I have viewed the submissions wiki page. I saw lots of students in the list working on this codezilla project. Therefore, I have taken a look to find if there is any issue that I can take on. From my past experience, at this time, I first checked the README file to make sure I can install or set it up in my local machine before I ask to work on something.
This project is a collection of algorithms and data structures. I viewed all folders and then came up with my issue (Add Selection Sort in C++). I created a file named SelectionSort.cpp. After that, I run it to check whether any error was in my file. Everything was fine.

Then, I had an issue when I tried to add my file in git. I typed `git add Sorting/Selection Sort/C++/SelectionSort.cpp` in the first time. Then I got an error about the space in my path Sorting/Selection Sort/C++/SelectionSort.cpp. To fix it, I need to put the path inside the double quotation marks `git add "Storting/Selection Sort/C++/SelectionSort.cpp"`. Finally, I gave a commit and made a pull request for my issue.


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