OSD600_Release0.2 _Hacktoberfest _Summary

During this October, going through Hacktoberfest, working on open sources code, and making five pull requests on GitHub were my learning experience so far. I have tried to work on some projects that I didn't know before, find some issues and make pull requests. A lot of research have been done step by step to finish all of them. Also, dealing with git commands and setting environment to work on the issues were really more difficult than I thought.

In my first pull request, I found something to work on this Interesting-Open-Source-Projects link. I wanted to work on Android application, so I came to the list and checked some starter projects. On the issues list of Minimal-Todo project, there are many translation supports, so I added Vietnamese translation support issue, and asked permission to work on. I spent around 2 hours to upgrade my Android Studio to test the app on my local machine. Someone already made the issue about the error of setting this environment  on GitHub, so I tried to follow it. After fixing one error, another error came up about the Gradle build tool. After 2 hours, I still could not get it running on my laptop, then I download it on an Android phone, and played with it on the real phone. I thought I just do some translations, they will not affect any functions, so I wrote an Vietnamese support file, made a pull request without testing it on my laptop. Finally, my pull request merged on the master branch.
In my second pull request, I worked on a couple issues. I was looking for some issues about Javascript and Python language. After doing some research and trying to work on some issues, I ended up with this Python-for-beginner project. I created a quicksort algorithm file in Python language. I had to deal with a lots of git commands when I tried to merge my pull request, create and push another commits, get and fix non-fast-forward error,  get conflict on the merge about the change file, fix it, create and push a new commit, ask for merging this pull request again. 
In my third pull request, I first tried to find some bugs to work on, but I failed when I could not set up environment to deal with the code (Function List functionality has changed #4811). I finally gave it up. Then, I searched for another issue and worked on it. I liked this Editable Web Quiz project because it has a nice UI built with particle.js and Bootstrap 4. If I have time, I will learn more about the particle.js since I like that theme. The issue was not too hard at this time. I just added an question to the quiz following the previous code format, run it on my local machine and made a pull request for it. 

In my fourth pull request, I worked on the codezilla project. This project is a collection of algorithms and data structures. I created a C++ selection sort algorithm file and tested it on my local machine. I got an output, so everything was fine for my file. As I said that I had to deal with lots of git commands about committing and merging in the second pull request,  I had to deal with the `git add filename` command at this time because my file name path was containing a space (Sorting/Selection Sort/C++/SelectionSort.cpp). To deal with the path containing a space, we need to put it inside the double quotation marks like my case is `git add "Sorting/Selection Sort/ C++/SelectionSort.cpp"`. To merge this pull request, I needed to request some reviews because this is one of the steps to finish. Someone came up to review my code and fix it. Finally, my pull request merged on the master branch.

    In my last pull request, I worked on the JSON Movie Collection project. This is a collection of movies and actors written in json file format. I followed the code sample and added the detail of this Queen of Katwe movie on the 2016 movies list.
    To sum up, working on five issues for this second release was interesting. I was happy when I could finally make five pull requests and improve my git commands. Even though, I have met and deal lots of issues about git commands and spent time to set up the environment, they were all of my learning experience during this month.

    I have reviewed some pull requests. Here are the links:


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