
In this release 0.3, I have chosen and got involved in two projects, one internal project SenecaBlackboardExtension and one external project filer. I tried to find some different kind of work, such as adding a link, fixing a bug, modifying a document and writing test. In addition to, I learned about new software Gource (more information on GitHub: Gource will create a 3D animated tree for source control repositories. Its 3D visualization will show the repository in the centre.  You can see all contributors' name, directories and branches in this tree. I have created one for my SenecaBlackboardExtension project.

For first PR, I have added a link, Seneca Help link, in the sign in page.
I added this link because I want everyone can get help easier from sign in page.

For second PR, I had been doing a little bit work. I modified the homepage-guest.js file. The code was had some indentations not following the format and hard to see. I tried to fix all indentations following the HTML tabs in this file and found a bug from a previous PR of my classmate. He tried to make some links in the College Services box collapsible, but he forgot the closing </ul> tab. Therefore, his code did change any thing at that time. I did not recognize it at the beginning because this PR is pushed before my 1st PR. After I fixed the indentations and added the closing tab and run it, I saw his change.
Output after my PR1 and my PR2:

Also, I have created a Gource tree, as I mentioned above, to see my name and my all friends name who have involved in this PR.

Another pull request for this SenecaBlackboardExtension project is this PR ( Updated file #59). There was an error on how to clone this repo in the file. Someone posted that we will clone the repo from the origin, but we should clone it from our forked repo. Therefore, I fixed it by adding a link to show how to fork a repo and modified how to clone this repo.

For the third PR, I need to work on an external project. I tried to write some test. That is why I picked my first project filer. I want to finished my first lab, because it is needed to do some rebase (added fs.promises.unlink test). Then, I found something similar to write the test (added fs.promises.write test ).
To sum up, after this release, I have learned some new things. First, I have tried to communicate with my friends to get help to test the Google Chrome Extension. Second, I have tried to talk to my professor to get family with git commands. He showed and explained a lots of things to me on how to get the repo up to date to my local machine, rebase all commits.
  • git checkout master
  • git pull upstream master
  • git checkout {your-issue-branch-name}
  • git rebase master
  • git push origin -f
Also, my professor explained the issue why I am having this .DS_Store file in the folder and helped me create another PR Removed .DS_Store file and added it to .gitignore #58 in the SenecaBlackboardExtension project. These .DS_Store and .gitignore files are new with me. I did not know about it before. In addition to, he helped me how to install Gource to my machine and run it to see the 3D tree. These are all cool stuffs that I have learned in this release.


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