In this final blog of open source course, I want to summary how I have learned about Git and GitHub and how I have got involved to open source projects. First, here is a list of 3 PRs that I have got involved in this release 0.4: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/24584 https://github.com/seiyria/bootstrap-slider/pull/886 https://github.com/ywpark1/portfolio-generator/pull/23 Second, if you get family with Git and GitHub, you will know that they are some powerful things to open source projects. Many contributors will make their own changes and push their commits to GitHub by using Git commands and how an organizer will control their system through all commits and minimize their jobs through GitHub. I hope this link can help one has a clear understanding about Git and GitHub if one is new to them like me. It is totally different than I imaged. I don't really remember how many time I need to struggle with Git commands in this course. I always make some mistakes and now I...